AnaHit Persian Blue Salt

Persian Crystalline Blue Salt High Grade (Blue Diamond)

Persian Blue Salt is the certain type of Persian edible salts that contains potassium, and therefore has medicinal uses. These salts are two types: crystalline blue salt and non-crystalline or amorphous (powder) blue salt. Its crystalline type has more purity and it is more valuable. Edible blue salt is found exclusively in Iran and exists in the form of scattered veins in the depths of Iran’s salt mines. In other words, there is no “blue salt mine” and for this reason, finding these veins in large and vast mines of Iran is very difficult and requires continuous mining by specialized teams.

Persian Crystalline Blue Salt High Grade (Blue Diamond)
Persian Crystalline Blue Salt First Grade

The crystal type has been underground for 600 million years and has significant therapeutic effects because of its both chemical and either crystalline structure as well as its special vital energy, which has become very important in maintaining health today. One of its most important uses is to provide the body with the potassium it needs, and as stated in scientific articles, it is used to partially improve blood pressure, improve thyroid function, and boost the immune system

Persian Crystalline Blue Salt First Grade
Persian Crystalline Blue Salt First Grade

Along with blue salt veins in salt mines, there are usually a lot of impurities in orange, crimson and gray colors, which generally have complexes of heavy metals such as cobalt, manganese, nickel, copper, etc. They are harmful to the body. Therefore, after exploring its veins, these salts need several stages of cleaning, and some blue salt along with these impurities and heavy metals will inevitably be discarded. This can only be done by hand and not by machine; therefore, it requires manpower and takes a lot of time. Separating the blue salt into different categories (grade one, grade two, top grade or blue diamond) itself requires a separate workforce and a separate time.

Persian Crystalline Blue Salt First Grade
Persian Crystalline Blue Salt First Grade

Persian blue salt is very rare in the world, and because it is difficult to extract, and because it is cleaned and sorted by manpower and not by machine, and because of the use of medicine, it is very expensive. Its high degree type is very valuable. The use of Persian blue salt is generally medicinal, or if it has no medicinal use, it is considered a very luxurious commodity among the royal and imperial strata of the rich Europeans and Americans.

Persian Crystalline Blue Salt First Grade

none-crystalline or amorphous (powder) blue salt is another type of Persian blue salt that like crystalline blue salt, contains potassium and has medicinal uses. As can be seen in the photo, this product is supplied in the form of granules.

Persian Crystalline Blue Salt Second Grade

Unfortunately, this has led to commercial fraud in the Persian blue salt market. A small volume of these salts is mixed with a very large volume of common salts and sold. Another trick is to dye ordinary salt blue and sell it as Persian blue salt! The way to identify it is: if the blue salt was the original, the powder would be white, and if the salt was painted, the powder would be blue; and other commercial tricks can be seen in the Persian blue salt international market. Sometimes even blue salt with its impurities is mixed with ordinary salt powder and enters the market, and ordinary people consume this salt containing heavy metals without performing methods of analysis on salt. They are unaware of its harmful effects.

Persian Crystalline Blue Salt Second Grade